Kait_The_Demon's Profile

Joined on Sep 2, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Kait_The_Demon's Recent Posts
"*whispers* dus gurl Luvs care nd mite hav a crush on her"
"*was gonna kill you* *looks at you* *cant do it*"
"I'm so confused and I need a life"
"I feel.... Happy Sad Annoyed Pissed Loved Wtf?"
"Oh um okay. Bye~ I am SADE"
"Okay I'm done I think I've teased you enough lol"
"Because its cute like you Sorry I have to joke like this XD"
"sorry I would've told you well never but I had to tell"
"Kait* - How do you know meh?"
"How was school?"
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