Juliana's Profile
Joined on Dec 15, 2015
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
Juliana's Quizzes
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Juliana's Recent Quiz Comments
"awesome quiz.."
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"It was damn funny. Hahaha. U annoyed me 50% lol"
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"Yeah... machine gun... gonna kill em all"
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"make something creative"
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"i'm not age lol"
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"well, i didn't think i'd get only 57%... anyway, those chain letters aren't real at all. idk why the hell people like to post those.. well,…"
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"omg you got me"
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"Nice quiz!"
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"psychology .
if u tell someone not to do this, the person will definitely do it"
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"love the name Lucy.."