joker 1990's Profile
joker 1990
Joined on Dec 7, 2009
Status Level: Newbie
15-Year Club
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joker 1990's Recent Quiz Comments
"i got rated normal"
1 -
"im average just right"
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"woah i got 50% n it said never get married your happy single. but thats not to say you can't look for a good time keep your eyes open and…"
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"i got letters D and R"
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"well its obvious that im an adult cause im 19 goin on 20"
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"took the test and I will die saving someone else's life that was what results i got"
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"u people r gay"
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"Im The rockstar party animal"
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"id also love 2 have his house n rides"
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"took the test n im 50 cent"