JirachiWishmaker's Profile

Joined on Mar 18, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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JirachiWishmaker's Recent Posts
"Those are the good kinds of wishes~ *does a spin happily, floats over and lands on Anri's head* I like you."
"Okay. Just holdeth oneth whileth Ieth maketh myeth charieth"
"@Absol: I beg to differ, I'm not wasting one of my wishes on that. *floats over to Anri* Why not~? "
"It has such a fucked up ending. And it didn't keep me up at night, it was just creepy."
"Hehe~ But that's fine by me, sleeping was no fun.."
"So..What about challengers?"
"I shouldn't be this blunt, but I want to know why you're so grumpy~"
"(Yep. And sure, but for the actual half human character I'd prefer it to be a real pokemon. But you can have a fakemon legendary or somethin..."
"True..but still.."
"Okay then. I don't think it'd kill you to say hi."
"I love making Fakemon, and Shadew is my most favorite of my creations. ^^ And yay! So, charrie time?"
"*smiles* Hello Charizard~ "
"Patience is a good thing to have..but humanity is pretty sad anymore.."
"Yay. So my idea wasn't that stupid after all.x3"
"Hm.. Let me talk to this friend. I'll see what I can do~"
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