Jessie j kay's Profile
Jessie j kay
Joined on Apr 16, 2011
Status Level: Novice
Jessie j kay's Quizzes
- What kind of person are you, Deep inside?[published: Apr 22, 2011, 3 comments]
I don't have much words to say but one thing is, you never know who you are until you……
- Which Dark or Light path will you walk?[published: Apr 18, 2011, 4 comments]
IMPORTANT FOR QUIZ: PLEASE READ! This quiz is quite long so if you are getting tired,……
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Jessie j kay's Recent Quiz Comments
You are queen of Agua! You can light out the fires between people and know how to deal with everyday issues! You also have…"
1 -
"Your Result: Rosalina
Rosalina is a beauty of nature to most people. You have intelligence and are serious at most times, and…"
1 -
"This is one of my favourite quizzes! Great Job!
It says I'm magic"
1 -
"you spelled ANGEL wrong..."
1 -
You are a Tomboy! Like me! You are comfortable hanging around boys, you hate make-up and you don't like high heels!…"
1 -
You are James T. Sullivan from Monsters Inc. You are a very hard worker and have an easy-going attitude. Others might be a…"
1 -
"Green... SO TRUE...
heh, I'm only happy because of my friends."1 -
"i got 8 - 10....
REALLY? ARE YOU SURE? I never thought of myself like that ;)"
1 -
"i don't like men AT ALL! (Katy Perry)
Lawl"1 -
"i got a swordsman. awsome"