Jeeshann's Profile

Joined on Mar 26, 2016
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
8-Year Club
Jeeshann's Quizzes
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Jeeshann's Recent Posts
"Stop boasting about your s---ty quizzes no one wants to take them."
"f--- yourself"
"Why don't you"
"f--- you"
"Your parents made a mistake by having sex"
"Because you can't"
"GTQ was much better without you Saara"
"Wouldn't it make more sense to leave today?"
"It's too similar to change :c"
"f--- you"
"On April 17, 2018 Gtq Guy's contract expires and he nominated me to be the new GTQ Guy."
"I am you."
"I am obsessed with making quizzes, levelling up and being a moderator. In a few years when Gotoquiz Guy retires I will be the next GTQ Guy"
Jeeshann's Recent Quiz Comments
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