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Joined on Dec 14, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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"NO IT'S GONNA END SOON! and i'm having a bad habit of swearing at andrew, bel, bryan, and alex... HEY I'M THE RIGHTFUL RULER! ONLY ME!…"
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"CAT I FREAKIN LOVE YOU! (friend way) YOU'RE SO COOL!!! ONE IN A MILL FOR SURE! love your series! :) p.s. why do i keep on fainting!"
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"fridge... i know who it is... (hint hint alex...) and PLZ STOP MAKING JULES/ME FAINT (again) let's hope we beat the living (c-word) out…"
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"OH MUFFINS! (copying mike from monsters inc.) "I'm on the cover of a magaZINE! OOH WOW!" i can't believe i'm on the book! a BOOK! well,…"
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"alex. sigh, WHY IN THE WORLD DID YOU JUST DROP ME?!?! AND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST? YOU LITTLE DUMB- nvm nvm... aaron! i'm pretty…"
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"well! alex again! lol, i love how cat and dom met... the scene was hilarious! "i asked her about 10 times. by the 11th she finally said,…"
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"WAIT HOLD THE CHEESE! BELINDA IS BAD NOW?!!? NOOOOOOOO!!! and brit, STOP BEING MEAN TO CLAIRE! >:( honestly! she doesn't deserve…"
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"yes! (sings: zera ain't after me dudes, but i hate how those ugly girls are treating claire!!!) ok, is it wrong for me to scream in…"
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"ok, Z's cool, especially when she was beating all those ppl up! at least i tried to fight andrew, but it didn't work? Z, restrictions:…"
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"NO SLAP ANDREW IN THE FACE! USE THE FIRE POWERS AND STUFF! (looks back to last paragraph) great, now bryan's life is on the line...…"