JeanHavoc's Profile

Joined on Mar 29, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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12-Year Club
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JeanHavoc's Recent Posts
"Oh joy. Depressed children. Just what I need to see on my day off. *chuckles*"
"*lights a cigarette* What's up?"
"Good luck.xD"
"Hello. Vacation time.xD For me and Riza.:P"
"You newbs don't know a big thread till you see this one.>:D"
"Heph:Of course you do Lust! You're Lust! *pats Heph's head*Calm down shortie.xD Heph:Short?-.-"
"..Interesting. Heph:*facepalm and throws military jacket at Jean*You and Want both.-.- What's up with going shirtless everyw"
"What happened to you..?"
"Heh? You're Lust?"
"Fine, then let me smoke in peace.^^ *continues* Heph:Hm..idk.."
"I don't like it either, Fullmetal. And no, stop nagging me women! Heph:Meh, fine then Jean.>:P"
"It finally left.*light another cigarette* Heph:*facepalm*Jean stop smoking.>:o No."
"*blinks* Heph:e.e *looks over at Havoc* Wut? Heph:Nothing.."
"Heph:*blinks and walks in*Ohai...hmmm... *blinks*I picture it as a cat...don't ask why.."
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