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Jataro Kemuri
Joined on Sep 24, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
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Jataro Kemuri's Recent Posts
"Yeah... I could tell. Oh. (gotta go whoops)"
"It's okay but... I'm a dude. Really. Nooo!!! Stop!!! *coughs gummy worms back up*"
"I'm a boy... W-wait.... You thought I was a girl?? Uuu... I'm a boy... Maybe I'm not masculine enough... But I can show you I'm a bo"
"Reeeaaallly? What about your cheeks?"
"Nooo... That's yucky..."
"Oh no... Those ones? Don't you hate it when you have to pucker up your cheeks because the candy is si sour and then they hurt afterwa..."
"Now you're just trying to mess with me... Because... because I'm stupid. That's it, right? Right?"
"Nooo, stop... *covers face with long sleeves* You're making me want to rip my flesh off..."
"It is, isn't it!? That's why it's hard for me to eat them... I always feel bad for the little guys... So you devour them whol"
"I know I didn't, but... Have you ever bitten the head off a gummy bear before? Have you noticed how long it takes to finally rip it off with..."
"Oh... You really are ruthless."
"Oh... People started talking to me... I... didn't expect that, but at least it's better than being ignored... You guys... Are"
"Don't you ever feel bad because you ate him? Imagine his little gummy friends crying on the inside...and...and feeling scared b-becau..."
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