JaneDoe_'s Profile
Joined on Feb 20, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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"You are doing great. How am I doing?"
"(Of course he did xD) Landon moved towards the bed, stopping at the edge. "No, they didn't hurt me.Not at all. But..they hurt"
"^at least im up to date The original double is here."
"Oh okay then *hiding under cover*"
"SHH YOU'RE BLOWING MY COVER ^Not like I have one."
"That sounds exciting."
"This is Tyler, by the way. Dumb[remove space]ass."
"No, my apologies. Have a burnt cookie. *burnt*"
"Is that your guess? You only get to use one."
"No, my apologies."
"I suppose so."
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