jackarooster's Profile
Joined on Dec 4, 2009
Status Level: Newbie
15-Year Club
jackarooster's Quizzes
- The Smart Test![published: Dec 05, 2009]
This quiz is an awesome one, which determines your magnificent brainpower in the struggle between smart and……
jackarooster's Recent Posts
"obama eats dicks for breakfast"
"it stinks like rotting a--holes"
jackarooster's Recent Quiz Comments
"whos silver? please answer me"
1 -
"Thats actually terrible, just so you know"
1 -
"100! the a+ in la paid off!!!"
1 -
"i ALWAYS get vampire. can someone please tell me if thats good or bad?"
1 -
"3 days. wow. what a way to start the worst day in existence. monday."
1 -
"4eva tru love, what % did u get?"
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"i got chrystina too"
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"every single test i take, i end up with goth, punk, and vampire"
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"i hate green day more than anything. at least it was my last one..."