Izali's Profile

Joined on Jun 3, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Izali's Recent Posts
"Lilera: oh...almost as adorable as your child Charlie: Alastor? You have a child? - Satan: can I come? Saryera: who"
"Oooh, you’re a country rep aren’t you? My dad’s told me about you guys before...so is....uhm who hurt you?"
"Ander: *he nods as he takes ahold of Ryuune, holding him carefully*"
"It’s kind of...a big deal you know...my dad doesn’t really like violence near his house. I can help you if someone’s bothering you?"
"Lilera: Belphie, Beel. Come out, * two small demons peer out from behind Lilera, neither resembling her. In fact they look rather simi"
"* he smiles, as his tail swishes* So...uhm what exactly happened?"
"Sin shakes their head. “Abandoning our friends isn’t in the cards Arwyn.” They day as they move to gaze over the side. “ and they’re not dea"
"Lilera: ...rodents * there’s giggling from inside the room* Lilera:...oh you meant that noise. Those are my kids. "
"Okay. Can you tell me your name? I’m izali, guardian of the void. * he continues to use his magic to replace the lost blood, as well a"
"Ander: ah..I won’t be able to go in with you...I have a slight fear of cold temperatures you see"
"Lilera: she stands in front of her room door*....hello Charlie: uhm...something tells me you know what’s going on."
"* He had been in his backyard tending to his flowers when he sees Ollie* * he quickly runs over, using his tail to help prop Ollie up "
"Laurence: Oh I am. Are you....are you stuck here?"
"Izali is now in my hands."
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