IvyNi10's Profile

Joined on Apr 6, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
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IvyNi10's Recent Quiz Comments
"Moonstripe 66%
You are a light grey cat with amber eyes and a white belly. You are most likely to be a medicine cat due to your…"
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"Warrior Cat Names!
Your Result: Mudsplash 81%You are a handsome brown tom with darker flecks and amber eyes. Your are in…"
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"Warrior Cat Names!
Your Result: Darkstorm 86%You are solid black with purple eyes and a white paw. You are the shadowclan…"
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"Warrior Cat Names!
Your Result: Dewspot 80%You are a beautiful golden tabby she-cat with green eyes. You are the Riverclan…"
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"Your Result: Raincloud 86%
You are a silver tabby with blue eyes. You are a Thunderclan queen but you were born a kittypet. You…"
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"What should your Warriors suffix be?
Your Result: -fur
100%You are kind and peaceful, although most call you a coward for…"
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"Which TSB Main Character Are You?
Your Result: Firerose 89%
resultYou're a motherly type cat with a golden heart for…"
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"Warrior cats-what cat are you
Your resultFeathertail 84%You are kind, loving and respected for not just your kindness but…"
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"Your Result: Mistystar 85%
resultYou got Mistystar! You are very kind-hearted and keep peace with everybody. You don't let…"