ItzGalaxyMoon's Profile

Joined on Jul 24, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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"Also I forgot to write I love to draw and write ALONE. My brother, whos five Years older then me, really outgoing and is an extrovert.…"
2 -
"Same, but 86% ambivert, 80% extrovert, 23% shy and 16% introvert. I only feel comfortable talking around my friends, or people I know.…"
In response to peachyt:
"83% Ambivert
32% Shy
9% IntrovertI…"
2 -
"I chose all the athletic and non spoiled answers and got, They love you!"
In response to Totalove0:
"The popular girls at my school are complete and utter brats."
1 -
"No hate, but this is kinda wrong. I normally get Kuudere but this time I got something else."
1 -
In response to Draco Michaelis:
"You're beautiful the way you are! Don't listen…"
1 -
"I got hybrid."
1 -
In response to CoolDude123:
"You're 64% Nicknames Are
1 -
"Kuudere 100%. Very accurate."