Itsjellypenguin's Profile

Joined on Mar 8, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
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9-Year Club
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Itsjellypenguin's Recent Posts
"I refuse to answer inside of this thread"
"*gasp* you actually want to shatter my fabulous personality"
"Nuu don't help him ;-; Alek you will never win because that will shatter my pride and cockiness"
" a way yes, your profile picture is pretty though 0u0"
"WANNA BET ALEK? I told you before I am too cocky and prideful to let you win :0"
"Aha yes hi. :3 Nah,I don't know who mine is either."
"And hi, I am jelly. The person whose thread is obviously gonna stay ahead of yours alek"
"Ookie imma going to the emails"
"Cat bats fly?"
"My brain it just wasting to mush.....heeellppp!"
"Dammmit you're getting closer to beating me ;-;"
"I got an account too see. Dark was trading them earlier today."
"I am just plain jelly. Okay,"
"Woah, I'm not anyone! I am jelly!"
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