Itsfreddy's Profile

Joined on Oct 23, 2010
Status Level: Experienced
Itsfreddy's Quizzes
- Which 30 seconds to mars member are you?[published: Nov 16, 2010]
There are many people who think they know which 30 seconds to mars member they are. But……
- Do you know 30 seconds to mars?[published: Nov 11, 2010, 2 comments]
There are many people that think they know 30 seconds to mars. But very few that actually do!……
- Which horror movie quote is it?[published: Oct 24, 2010, 3 comments]
There are many people who like horror movies but many few who love horror movies. Are you among……
- What horror movie character are you?[published: Oct 24, 2010, 3 comments]
There are many people who like horror movies but only some who love horror movies. Do you……
- What horror movie is it?[published: Oct 23, 2010, 2 comments]
There are many people who like horror... Then there are people who LOVE horror. If you want to survive……
Itsfreddy's Recent Posts
"No it didn't."
"Jared Leto is hot"
"Poltergeist is not a stupid horror movie its awesome. And I say Retro puppet masters from hell is a stupid horror movie"
"That is the best book ive ever read"
"That is one of the best horror movies I've ever seen in my life"
"My faves are: Jared Leto Shannon Leto Robert Downey junior Johnny depp"
"Sexy beast"
"They are the best band in the world I LOVE them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"Yes Michael Jackson did die you're very observant"
"Nce again I'm listening to 30 seconds to mars"
"This is the most depressing song I've ever heard and I just cried my eyes out listening to it"
"Awesomest band ever"
"Cool make it a song"
"Me to"
"Nightmare on elm street is awesome but not enough gore"
Itsfreddy's Recent Quiz Comments
"47%???!??!?!? I am an 85 rogue with legendary dagger set, stupid quiz"
1 -
"I just took the quiz because you sounded deppressed in your posts
plus I like 30 seconds to mars better!!:)"
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"This quiz sucks! There are way better twilight quizzes than this. You should be ashamed!"
1 -
"Please post!:-D"
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"Personality! I knew I would get something like that because my friendas and teacher always say I have personality:D"
1 -
"I got gorgeous. If you want to keep your skin clear then for the last few minutes of your shower make it cold. It closes up all your pours!…"
1 -
"Well it would be nice if we actually had heard of some of these shows. They're ancient"
1 -
"That is the most annoying quiz I have ever taken! It didn't make sense and most of th questions aren't even about twilight! You should be…"
1 -
"Come on guys post your results!!!!:)"
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"Everyone who takes this quiz please comment because I really value your opinions:)"