ItsAngelcen's Profile

Joined on Apr 24, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
3-Year Club
ItsAngelcen's Quizzes
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ItsAngelcen's Recent Posts
"My Alts That Are People's Children (all have newbie status): Aqua228 BrinkledBrice Brycinna Bryclipse"
"Angelcen: Are you my sister? Aunt Cats been teaching me blood and death and how to jump off cliffs :D Cats: Yeah now would be a"
"Cats: Let me go get my list of alts rq"
"Cats: *yeets this one over here* See I already forced you guys to make this one. But if you'd like I can murder her :) Angelcen"
"Incorrect its 999 pages away. Come on get a move on lets go lets go lets go *tweets whistle*"
"Cats: Fuk"
"Ok 1000 is old news. Let's get on to 2000. Cmon people hurry the hell up."
"Cats: *makes Eric immortal* Eet has been done uwu"
"HAHAHA TAKE THAT NIX AND TAT Who possibly weren't even online ONE THOUSA"
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH SPICE DID GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Uh oh I don think I can get to 2nd in time-"
"What if nix or tat pops in and says hi and its the 1st post on page 1000?"
"Fine. Spice can have the first post... BUT I GET THE SECOND 1st is the worst 2nd is the best 3rd is a hairy chest 4th polka dot"
"Dude its at 998 she'll jus get it to 1000 before she gets offline"
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