Itchy bears's Profile

Itchy bears
Joined on Feb 8, 2018
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
7-Year Club
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Itchy bears's Quizzes

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Itchy bears's Recent Posts

  • Why'd you only call me
    "Yeahh, I don't really think so either, like I'm fine with one but just not both on the same night."
  • Why'd you only call me
    "Lmao I haven't done it. I just have a friend who offered to bring weed and Smirnoff on a trip we're going on I dunno if it's a good idea for..."
  • Why'd you only call me
    "Mmmm is getting high and drunk dangerous?"
  • Why'd you only call me
    "Idk whether I'm hungry or bored"
  • Why'd you only call me
    "Okay today I smoked only one cigarette and a rollie but for some reason I'm so paranoid that I'm gonna get lung cancer or my dentist is gonn..."
  • Why'd you only call me
    "Oh cool, so you're a very busy person?"
  • Why'd you only call me
    "i guess. lol I guess. I'm thinking of either being a guard dog trainer, being in the police force or something in the mental h"
  • Why'd you only call me
    "Yo dude it's chill, I don't mind your venting, Mines pretty chill haha"
  • Why'd you only call me
    "Bro it's just a day, you'll get through it. Just ignore them or something, not your problem,"
  • Why'd you only call me
    "Uhm s--- dude I gotta family description. I mean sounds like a cool family? Idk dude they sound pretty normal to me."
  • Why'd you only call me
    "Oh, that sucks dude, to be honest it's the worst when you feel like s--- and there's nothing you can do about it. Maybe you'll wake up tomor..."
  • Why'd you only call me
    "Woah woah bro, that's a lot of stuff. I mean I don't know dude. What's causing you to be on edge? Idk about you but when I'm really on"
  • Why'd you only call me
    "Yeah definitely. So bro what's up?"
  • Why'd you only call me
    "There's two more videos of her on ukraines got talent you should watch them. You won't be disappointed seriously so talented"
  • Why'd you only call me
    "Dude I saw that, her name was Anastasia, she was dancing to tainted love right?"

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