Iris Golde's Profile

Iris Golde
Joined on Jan 29, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
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Iris Golde's Recent Posts
"Ironically enough I got the sign of the mother VIRIES I’m a Virgo so I’m jade blooded, a derse dreamer and like Cho I’m time bound."
"Absolutely appalling. But okay virgin."
"[ @Aryl Amra Kill yourself] Anyway sup guys"
"Well I really enjoy the Red snapper. I prefer it to be the whole fish as I believe that helps preserve the flavour, as well as reduce waste ..."
"Oh no I’m so sorry guys I forgot to do it! @Aryl Amra kill yourself"
"You commit identity theft Rose"
"Lillie you just know you’re getting ranked at the bottom because of how badly you lost to kaiser."
"Toughen up Lillie! Atlas."
"What the f--- did you just f---ing say about me, you little b----? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I'v..."
"[kill yourself]"
"Sun be kinda a criminal thoš¤"
"Kill yourself."
"No, he'd like that too much. (Can I ask who your favorite and least favorite characters are? We love feedback)"
"I made you food at home."
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