Insanity's Profile

Joined on Jul 8, 2012
Status Level: Experienced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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"I was the first one to make it to the hundreds of accounts. And I did that a few years ago, so there's no telling."
"I'm all alone~"
"Oh, alright."
"Ummm.. Are you talking about a vampire or something?"
"Too much blood."
"Heph has it. Oh wait. Don't talk about it means...don't talk about it. And I talked about it. Oh...oops."
"It's not kitten least I don't think... Alrighty."
"*splashes Maru with blood* ^-^ What about kittens?"
"Do you like blood?"
"^_^ Hello~"
"*finishes circle, claps, blood flows up from the center of the circle*"
"Kitten: .w. *hides under Roy's desk, nomming on skittles hidden there* *blinks*"
"You don't?"
"Kitten: *growls, jumping backward, tail lashing* Mrrrreow... *blinks, drawing hand back* .w."
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