Insane Crona's Profile
Insane Crona
Joined on Mar 19, 2015
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Insane Crona's Recent Posts
"Name: OnlyAGlitch"
"hello everyone!"
"I wish to have a new life, like in soul eater :D"
"I like batman!"
"my favorite character is Crona. I wish I could just enter the world of soul eater!"
"I know"
"I discovered soul eater and now, my life is complete"
"The endless sorrow. The failure. The pain. As I walk down this path of shadows and betrayal, I wonder what I believe in anymore."
"OK, I won't hurt you unless my voice tells me too."
"OK, hi mike. I hope you are okay with my insanity."
"well yea, compare myself to him. The only difference: imma girl"
"Oh oK. well, I am insane, but in a weird way. I hear a voice inside my head, he controls me and tells me what to do. Do you know soul eater?..."
Insane Crona's Recent Quiz Comments
"er meh gerd Rhett!"