Inosuke's Profile
Joined on Dec 16, 2022
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
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Inosuke's Recent Posts
"[img][no urls][/img] [no urls]"
"(practice keeping myself checked when people make fun of me? you know how hard that is?) Karl nodded, moving forward to give Sa"
"Do you have a character you want to work on first?"
"(i've never been good with controlling my emotions. getting angry or upset over things.) "Yeah, so as soon as my suit's done, d"
"i'm gonna make a rui alt next."
"i think i might inosuke someone. i'm that close to attacking people."
"am i? i find it hard to believe....."
"yeah i'm fine with that!! this is Curo btw, just an alt!"
"(i'm sick of the comments on my sweatshirt too. "oh it's a frog" "why do you wear it every day" "why do you like dream" "oh, he's so u"
"i might be..."
"Inosuke alt made!!"
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