Indolent's Profile

Joined on Apr 26, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Indolent's Quizzes
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Indolent's Recent Posts
"Rough night?"
"I was woke up for this...? Ugh...fine... I'm Indolence, Indolent, I don't really care...I'm a homunculus, I stand for Sloth, obviousl"
"(I'm Vinyl) I love eating too much for that. Frank Lloyd Wright."
"So..don't ever say those idiots are my family. I plan to find a way back to mine.."
", we come from another world...the trip here, it gave us some memories back, memories we'd rather not remember. I re"
"They're not family....not my family, at least.....*heavy sigh* You do know I'm a homunculus, correct?"
"Lucky you...mine are stupid and violent. Without Araceli around anymore...they got out of control."
"Yes fair. I'm oldest, Eros is next,then Shiro, then Jealousy, then Want, then Arrogance, and Vengeance is youngest..."
"Compared to me you are..I'm the eldest of my siblings..."
"But good try kid.."
"No thanks, that's what Vengeance is for..And Arrogance...I'm surrounded by annoying females..."
"And stay awake? Jealousy is so cruel.."
"*watching from behind a tree close by*"
Indolent's Recent Quiz Comments
Congrat ulations! You are Patty Thompson, one of Death the Kid's hot pistols. You're pretty crazy, and full of energy and…"