ilyvolleyball's Profile

Joined on Apr 16, 2012
Status Level: Novice
ilyvolleyball's Quizzes
- Vampire Academy ~Love Story~[published: Aug 13, 2012, 1 comment]
Vampire Academy is a 6 part book series by Richelle Mead. You are a Moroi in her Senior year at……
- Hopefully, this works[published: Aug 13, 2012, 3 comments]
This Is Serious!! Im going to break my computer out of ANGER! Or worse. Ill break GoToQuiz. Now, i……
- The Hunger Games![published: Aug 13, 2012, 15 comments]
Sorry to decieve you but I had to gets your attention. If I had named this: New quiz. Please take? Half of you……
- This is enraging!!![published: Aug 12, 2012, 4 comments]
I'm seriously going to rip out my hair. I need a hug. I reallly need a freaking hug. I worked SO hard! SO……
- S(HE) be(LIE)ve(D) Part 2[published: Aug 10, 2012, 6 comments]
A realistic quiz about a regular girl in this world in a case that is far too common. Self harm. If……
- Important! Please take this.[published: Aug 09, 2012, 4 comments]
Ahhh well, don't lie I know most of you just took this because it was in new quizzes but either……
- Demigod Love Story Part 6[published: Aug 07, 2012, 2 comments]
Okay guys I am so so so sorry! It took forever to get out there, I was busy ALL SUMMER LONG!! It……
- s(HE) be(LIE)ve(D) Part 1[published: Jun 02, 2012, 7 comments]
A realistic quiz about a regular girl in this world, in a case that is far too common. Self harm. If……
- How well do you know Harry Potter?[published: May 30, 2012, 2 comments]
Hey guys, I was just taking a How well do you know Harry Potter? test and I found it very……
- Demigod Love Story Part 5[published: May 22, 2012, 1 comment]
Alrighty so this is the quiz where the action really starts! Are you ready for it!? Enemies are……
- Should I Make This Quiz?[published: May 13, 2012, 4 comments]
Just a quick quiz on whether or not I should make a quiz if been contemplating writing. I really like……
- Demigod Love Story Part 4[published: May 12, 2012, 8 comments]
Everything is on the table now. Your a daughter of Hades, Anthony's in love with the bad guy, Evan's……
- Demigod Love Story Part 3[published: May 11, 2012, 8 comments]
Alrighty ((: Part 3 is up and ready1 are you ready to fall for Anthony the sweetie Evan the badass……
- Demigod Love Story Part 2[published: May 09, 2012, 8 comments]
Okay So this is my second quiz ((: Read the first one I suggest. Its pretty long but just read through……
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ilyvolleyball's Recent Quiz Comments
"The same thing has happened to me but only with a certain quiz!"
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"just kidding. Eff me."
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"Didnt work. FU GTQ try entering the URL? Ahhh life sucks. [no urls]"
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"I love the sythetic vampires idea! It sounds so cool! but it doent matter because you are an amazing writer! I doesnt matter what the story…"
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"Loony Luna, I want to get started soon and i dont think anyone else is even going to take this quiz sooo email me at ilyvolleyball@gmail…"
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"Yeah okay Im pretty sure the exact same thing happened. If you wanna see my Vampire Academy Love Story you'll have to visit wattpad. Just…"
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"Vampire Academy Love Story. My new quiz to replace the one GTQ wouldnt let me post is up!"
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"Vampire Academy Love Story. My new quiz to replace the one GTQ wouldnt let me post is up!"
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"Vampire Academy Love Story. My new quiz to replace the one GTQ wouldnt let me post is up!"
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"Okay, my Vampire Academy quiz is not showing up, but you should be able to find it on my pgae! "