iluvyou's Profile
Joined on May 26, 2013
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
11-Year Club
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iluvyou's Recent Quiz Comments
"I thought i would get skater, but i got emo... okay than"
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"This is so sad because theres a girl who told me shes my best friend she jsut never acts like it ;-;"
1 reply2 -
"What Should Your Style Be?
Your Result: The Emo Style. 91%resultYo ur style should be the emo style! You are an emotional…"
1 -
"What Does Your Appearance Say About Your Personality?
Your Result: You Are Mean. 66%
resultYo ur appearance shows that you…"
1 -
"I took my own quiz XD and got artsy kid. "
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"LOL I got the haircut i already have XD"
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"This is really not cool. This could hurt a girls self esteem in a minute. It doesn't matter hwat you look like, youre beautiful no matter…"