iLoveMusik's Profile

Joined on Jun 11, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
14-Year Club
iLoveMusik's Quizzes
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iLoveMusik's Recent Posts
"This one was based of my account on tinierme lol"
"I quit this one because it sounded too much like Roady"
"Whisper - The Last Dance"
"Some a--hole made up a rumor about her I ish sorry"
"Chemistry of a Car Crash - Shiny Toy Guns"
"I promise it's not me I never gossip about people. "
"A Perfect Circle"
"A AP APe APer APerf APerfe APerfec APerfect APerfectC APerfectCi APerf"
"N No Not Notm Notmu Notmuc Notmuch Notmuche Notmucher Notmuchers"
"The Outsider - A Perfect Circle"
"I love musik"
":/ Sorry dear"
"Our Time Now - Plain White T's"
"Stand - R.E.M."
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