ihaveahat's Profile
Joined on Jan 15, 2013
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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ihaveahat's Recent Posts
"Okay, bye shy person! :P I'm very shy too but I'm 19."
"Hugs are nice, though I don't get many. Bear hugs are the best. c: Thanks, I shouldn't really complai..."
"Nice to meet you too. How are you? :)"
"Hi, I'm hat. :D I'm Swedish. Valkommen!"
"I have a top hat. I am the most classy. :D"
"I'm pretty good. Work and studying are going well but I guess just kind of lonely. xP I'm glad you're well. I noticed that here in Sweden we..."
"Then I forgot that no one would answer this in the Lounge either. Oh well. xD"
"What was your favorite part of Brokeback Mountain? :D"
"Kelly, she's a character by some guy called Liam Kyle Sullivan. It's from a YouTube video. :P"
"I know, it's my favorite song. :')"
"Shoes. Shoes. Shoes. Oh my God. Shoes. Let's get some shoes. Let's get some shoes. Let's ge"
"Ja :)"
"Hur mar du? :D"
"Well too bad! There are rules on this site you know? Perv! :P"
"I have one, but I forgot where I left it. :O"
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