IcemanMHS7's Profile
Joined on Feb 4, 2015
Status Level: Advanced
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IcemanMHS7's Quizzes
- Which dead rising 4 character you are?[published: Dec 16, 2016]
Which dead rising 4 character you are???Maybe Frank?or maybe Vick?or maybe even Brad?alse……
- Which DmC devil may cry character you are?[published: Apr 26, 2016]
Actually this is the first quiz that i made here if you liked it then im glad to know……
IcemanMHS7's Recent Posts
"Dead Rising 4 there are so many stuff(side quests,weapons,places,ect) on this game!!!"
"1 Angels And Demons"
"Cell...ita a zombie apocalypse movie where zombies instead of biting you,send signals from their mouth and turn you into one of them..."
IcemanMHS7's Recent Quiz Comments
"Shut your pile hole VENOMBOSS i got mami 87% so you are officially sc××××"
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"I got hirano :)"
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"I got henry :)"
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"81% Collossus"
1 -
" im going crazy :)"
1 -
"I got venom...COOL"
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"I got 100% rich,famous and no kids....i think im dreaming cause im just a poor nobody"
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"Nice quiz...i got 94 percent vergil...check my quizes if you want too"
1 -
" :)"
1 -
"90% muslim...thats true im a muslim and a seyyed(desendant of muhammad and im proud if it"