IceFrost's Profile


Joined on Jun 21, 2010
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
14-Year Club
1K Quiz
5K Quiz
25K Quiz
Top 40 Quiz
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IceFrost's Quizzes

  • How pretty are you?
    [published: Sep 11, 2010]

    You might have had some friends, or you could be a nobody. this is the quiz to tell you excactly who you……

  • What color are you?
    [published: Jun 25, 2010, 34 comments]

    There are so many colors, theres red, blue, green, purple..., there are so many, and each one has a special……

  • Do Guys Want to Date You?
    [published: Jun 21, 2010, 39 comments]

    Have you ever wondered if guys find you attractive or other? Well if you take this quiz I can tell……

  • What fantasy creature are you?
    [published: Jun 21, 2010, 6 comments]

    In a world where destiny hides around every corner and love and hate are similar, lies 6 unknown……

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