I am the best's Profile

I am the best
Joined on Jun 18, 2020
Status Level: Novice
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I am the best's Quizzes
- Can you beat me up in a fight? ( boys only[published: Jun 21, 2020, 25 comments]
Many people say they know how to fight just to be cool. Those fakers. I am strong,……
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"Can You Beat Me Up In A Fight?
Your Result: Yes, you can beat me up 77%This is embarrasing to type, but yes, you can beat me…"
1 -
"You have a 51% percent chance of beating me! 51%
You must be a pretty good fighter to have made it this far. Keep it up and you…"
1 -
"You would beat me 26% in a clean fight! 26%
You may put up a fight, but I do win out fight. You may win with dirty fighting, but…"