IAmNotHim's Profile

Joined on Apr 18, 2012
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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IAmNotHim's Recent Posts
"Roy:Cupcakes are evil. e.e *blinks*"
"Well there goes the cupcake. Roy:Cupcakes are evil."
"....What did you do to the cupcake? Roy:Don't eat the cupcake Alphonse."
"Roy:Hmph. *resisting urge to purr* I'm good. I just got back to central, I was going to visit brother, when I found th"
"Roy:Hello Maru.*twitches tail irritably* *is tackled* owo Hi!"
"*hands kitty to Maru* You can hold him~ >:3 Roy:*flails paws*"
"A talking cat.:P Roy:*is Al's arms* Let me go please No! You're too adorable."
"I know."
"Got attacked by cuccos with Dark Link. Alright then."
"Still don't know what I want to be, though~ Hmmm.."
"Not really, actually."
"xD Okay brother. Yeah, I convinced her to be a cat. ^_^"
"I don't know yet. Winry's going to be a cat."
"I do too..well, sorta."
"Good. Winry already promised to go with me. I haven't gone trick or treating since..."
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