iAmLove's Profile
Joined on May 23, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
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12-Year Club
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iAmLove's Recent Posts
"Maybe the kitten became a puddle of blood. :P"
"Wonderful. :P"
"If you get in my way, I will kill you."
"It's pretty difficult to confuse the two."
"Depends on whether you give me a reason to kill you our not."
"Me and Hate don't sleep much. It's just we're so damn bored lately. >.>"
"I'd bring Hatred in to do his whole "Hate? >:D" routine, but he's sleeping."
"Poor thing. I don't mean that is a mean way."
"You say that like it's a bad thing."
"How nice."
"Hello, child."
"Ana falls over laughing all the time. ._."
"By that I mean being with Hatred. o.e"
"Well, I love you too, I guess. You're not human at least."
"Uh huh. Okay."
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