Husky's Profile

Joined on Mar 4, 2013
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Husky's Recent Posts
"Husky +Anima"
"I won't die I can swim away to the bottom of the lake if need be."
"I can chase after the fish myself, but the one fish disappeared.."
"You can't?"
"Yes a fish. A silvery one. It really is..I don't want Nana mad at me, her screeches are painful."
"She's a little girl no one would let her work anywhere! Besides, we're +anima, we can't get work. Can't return the dress she won't l"
"I know but she's going to starve us all with her spending!"
"So I stole her favorite bow and threw it in the lake, then a fish ate it. And now I'm in deep trouble because I can't find the fish and I do..."
"You can't make me."
"Alright then.."
"Copying you?"
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