Hunterisawesome's Profile
Joined on Dec 4, 2010
Status Level: Junior
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14-Year Club
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Hunterisawesome's Recent Posts
"I did happen to like 2010. Early '11 wasn't that bad."
"2009 was prolly better"
"If you only take one... And you snort it. Ingesting it isnt as good. Drug conversations are stupid AND ALL CAPI"
"Damn cattyness."
"Dammit you said it first :I"
"^^ Ramones reference."
"That happened to me when I took aderall. But I prefer being awake anyways xP"
"Late 2011 sucked. Don't call those horrid months 'old gtq'."
"I prefer new playboy. Old playboy was classy and all, but I think alot of people can agree that the bunnies are hotter now. I guess people l..."
"Pffffff XD"
"Thats a lame ass story"
"@Bob xD"
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