HULOVER's Profile

Joined on Jan 16, 2014
Status Level: Novice
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HULOVER's Quizzes
- would i date you? (this one is way easier.. for some people)[published: Feb 11, 2014]
i already made a quiz about if i would date u or not, but this one……
- Would I Date You[published: Jan 16, 2014, 3 comments]
would i date you? take this quiz to find out. but first here's a lil about me. im the tallest in my family even……
HULOVER's Recent Posts
"Sasha: hello! Um. Why are max's and Justin's lips red?"
"Danny and Justin follow, Sasha runs to get a deer"
"sash: I wanted to kill :("
"Sasha danny tycan, all of the pack follows"
"Sasha: let's max out*"
"Sasha: he's not lying,look really close!"
"well, I don't really know."
"ok thanks, what should we do?"
"hey Ashley!"
"hello person n.n"
"ok thanks I will tell her that"
"yes, yes I do"
HULOVER's Recent Quiz Comments
"im a girl! not a boy! D:"