HUGE ASS's Profile

Joined on Mar 1, 2010
Status Level: Newbie
HUGE ASS's Quizzes
- what kind of candy r u?[published: Mar 05, 2010, 16 comments]
what candy r u?? r u lollipop or chocolate or cotten kandy or bubble gum?? i can tell u if u take my……
HUGE ASS's Recent Posts
"Figure me out? Ha! Nobody thought I'd be HUGE ASS, but I am, I made myself in to another person, but I got bored of keeping it a secret. Let..."
"I'm back from Korea! Wow, it was really fun there, and REALLY cold, I really enjoyed it, I made a thread about it in offbeat and it tells yo..."
"opps i posted it twice well it dont matter"
"ilm: pale skin n blak hair biance:gold hair n blak eyes alana:red hair n blak eyes n tanned skin bambi:lite brown hair "
"ilm: pale skin n blak hair biance:gold hair n blak eyes alana:red hair n blak eyes n tanned skin bambi:lite brown hair "
"aww well hope u solve ur problems n b happy bye alana"
"nah not rellee its not ma thang n it seems pretty hard... idk, even a lil borin"
"sure ill hug u, *hugz alana* hope ur happy now"
"lol srry im not that creativ with ritin'..... :( :("
"sam came in and grabbed a soda and went out."
"all o u ppl seem nice so i dunno"
"min used to be green but now i lik blue:)"
"sure ill read it 4 u ppl seemd 2 lik it so ok"
"wow that was meen... um, ok c u, but i was hopin 2 talk witu a bit more... gess i was late...... byez"
"ilm y do u hav 2 be so meen all the time??? y y y y??? wat made u like this?? this is wat i wanna kno....... how can some1 b like this ALL T..."
HUGE ASS's Recent Quiz Comments
"trouble maker ok"
1 -
"wtf it said i didnt get a result.......... ..........:( :("
0 -
"58% i think i hate it more than that, tho..."
1 -
"i got BOOM! kool qwiz it was reelee good"
1 -
"im using by big bros account and he'll kill me if he found out but whatever, i got belle, i luv her!"
1 -
"outsider person... not rely sur dat's wat i wanted... "
1 -
"oops srry then"
1 -
"dis is so weerd"
1 -
"Alice... cool!"
1 -
"nice qwiz"