Hottie12's Profile
Joined on Nov 25, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Hottie12's Recent Quiz Comments
"My friend dropped her pencil under my crushes chair when he was sitting, she did it on propose and I'm like really under him and she alike…"
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"I knew it Artemis or Apollo I knew it"
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"50% I'm a 6th grader but IDGAF . I know Ipim stupider than a 5th grader"
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"Lol my crush startes with a E not a D"
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"I luv this quiz I got 100% aww this quiz is making me cry almost "
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"I'm a vamp! But idk y I'm always angry? Once I was sooo angry I kicked my door with my foot and then punched it and there were to holes on…"