horselover888's Profile
Joined on Dec 18, 2012
Status Level: Novice
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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horselover888's Recent Quiz Comments
"Pretty good, but I am soooo not Ron, you should see his description!"
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"Awesome! I am soooooooooo a literature nerd!"
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"Awesome! I got Labrador Retriever, the description totally fits me. I give ten stars!"
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"I took it again and both 33%, but I am 100%+ Georgian!"
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"I got 7%, but I was born, raised, grown in Georgia, never been to another state, yet they can call me a Yankee and tell me to go home when…"
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"I got cat, and I have always wanted to get one."
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"I cannot believe that I got soft pants. I think that she made do that everyone would get soft pants."
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"It is awesome I got Hades, I always get either Hades or Artemis."