Horselover645's Profile

Joined on Nov 22, 2020
Status Level: Novice
Horselover645's Quizzes
- What type of dog are you?[published: Nov 30, 2020]
This is for fun, of you are looking to get a dog and want to know what do you might like.This a fun……
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Horselover645's Recent Quiz Comments
"Aceleader i would say that is very rude to say that maybe the person who created the quiz is actually really smart on horse facts and…"
In response to Aceleader:
"This is dumb i got 64 percent cuz i know nothing…"
1 -
2 -
"I agree! Also i just wanted to say i luv this quiz!!!!!!!!!"
In response to GraciGra:
"OMG this girl knows nothing what a moron she asks…"
2 -
"I only really ride in lessons and dont own a horse, but I loved the quiz, my only problem was that there was not enough options but I…"
In response to ashley_is_hot:
"i love this qiuz"