Hopeful Virus's Profile


Hopeful Virus
Joined on Dec 14, 2020
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Hopeful Virus's Quizzes

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Hopeful Virus's Recent Posts

  • Roses & Thorns
    "( I would be okay with that, but I wnated to check if I could potetnially make a masc-presenting enby charcater for blackthorn )"
  • So of a-
    "Alfie smirks at that. " I can get down with that. Do you want to go and get to know each other better then...out in the city I mean" Alfie s..."
  • New Heroes
  • A Rift in the Void
    "Come snuggle then :("
  • So of a-
    "Laurence looks very hurt at that, as he visibly winces, from where he is with his hands on Alfie's shoulder. The red head shrugs the d"
  • A Rift in the Void
    "Error, stop bullying me :("
  • A Rift in the Void
    "Error is a bully"
  • New Heroes
    "(( youre okay! Dw, more people joined than I think was anticipated youre good dw!)"
  • A Rift in the Void
    "Error :("
  • New Heroes
    "(( hey I also wanted to say, kts not a good idea for a roleplay to split up like this. I would like to maybe suggest we all stick together, ..."
  • New Heroes
  • A Rift in the Void
    "Make me a puppet error"
  • A Rift in the Void
    "No you're like what, 14? Youre a kid."
  • So of a-
    "" I was fighting monsters, and they grabbed me, and told me I had committed a serious crime, and that I have to help you guys." They complai..."
  • A Rift in the Void
    "I'm 19...you're a kid."

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