Homer_Simpson's Profile

Joined on Oct 25, 2015
Status Level: Junior
Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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Homer_Simpson's Recent Posts
"Shut up Flanders!"
"Sorry Sir I didn't notice what day it is."
"Must get to work on time"
"8:59! D'oh! I have 1 minute to get to work."
"Mmmm donuts"
"Can I have a large bag of donuts?"
"I will stop off at the Kwik E Mart on the way"
"No I'm not Marge Anyway I have to go to work now. Love you Marge"
"D'oh! Nothing Marge."
"Homer's brain: I'll go to the Kwik E Mart on the way Homer: Just make sure Marge doesn't find out"
"D'oh! I only have 10 minutes to get to work."
"Relax, it's Sunday"
"*screams* Marge?"
"mmmm beer"
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