HockeyFan2023abc's Profile

Joined on Mar 22, 2023
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
2-Year Club
HockeyFan2023abc's Quizzes
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HockeyFan2023abc's Recent Posts
"Your name is ravager?"
"Cool! "
"Quizmaster12345. Hes so mean! Which user is the oldest here?"
"In addition to the first post, this account is an extent of my personality, and I'll be in it when I kina need a break"
"I said hi So this is a bar??"
"Oh i see I'm sorry that she isn't on anymore 8("
"Oh Does anyone on the forums know anyone else in real life???"
"Wait you KNOW him??? Real life???"
"Maybe it doesn't work on newb accounts!!"
"No tell us when quizmaster1234 comes onto the forums"
"Can you tell me and quiznoob12345?"
HockeyFan2023abc's Recent Quiz Comments
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