His Nightmare's Profile


His Nightmare
Joined on Dec 6, 2015
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
9-Year Club
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His Nightmare's Quizzes

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His Nightmare's Recent Posts

  • "(MAKE MEEEE)"
  • Inkoria~
    "(we should start a new RP Choose as many names from this list as you want (then give me a word/topic): Vesta De"
  • "(I feel kind of bad, because it seems like he's in pain. My sister told me that he's just sleeping, but I'm still worried. He"
  • '
  • Bye~
    "(HA GOM LOVES ME YES btw y'all can gtfo this thread now if y'all want to argue then go do that sh it in another thread"
  • "(longer*)"
  • ""Nobody knows." Kagome smiled weakly. " I'm not a very strong telepath, so my abilities are extremely limited. They drain my health the long..."
  • I unblocked gotoquiz
    "(Nopeeee. GTQ was pretty much dead without you. :P)"

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