Hippie Goat's Profile

Hippie Goat
Joined on May 31, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
Hippie Goat's Quizzes
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Hippie Goat's Recent Posts
"My mom wants help with something. I’ll l you when I’m done"
"Lmao. If ur gonna ship me I’ll hack your account"
"Lol yeah. But don’t start shipping me with Alex"
"Only Alex and Becky can push me into a waterfall. Lmao"
"Yeah. But I let you push me into the lake"
"Lmao. At camp I used to pick daffodils and throw them at Alex and Becky lmao"
"Um okay? I could be better tbh"
"Becky wanted me to come on. So what’s up?"
"My dog"
"Not really. Srry Kylie but you’re rlly not that nice. And I’ve already got a crush"
"Idk. Not really I don’t think at least. He said you were kinda annoying"
"Oh cool ig"
"A month or two ago? I can’t rlly remember"