Hermes's Profile
Joined on Dec 17, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
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Hermes's Recent Posts
"I was hoping you would be."
"it's not like apollo's really all that reliable anyway"
"Actually when you're an immortal deity it's pretty easy to forget."
"What work do you have?"
"Bye Maru. Try and cool off."
"Good for you."
"It's fine Maru. Don't worry about it, eventually everyone breaks down. We all have a melting point."
"I prefer feathers. Light, soft, and sexy elegant."
"Maru. Some people just have short tempers. And there isn't much you can do about it. You didn't hurt them, right? Then you're above Heph on ..."
"No need to get defensive, I was stating my opinion. Scales are cool. I'm so old I cannot remember my age. But Iris says I act"
"Scales are unattractive in my opinion.. I'll answer your question with a question. Ever picked up a mythology book be"
"I'd bet. I see."
"You're post seemed sarcastic. But if you say its not, alright. Interesting.."
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