Helryss's Profile

Joined on May 25, 2020
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Helryss's Recent Posts
"I'm super helpful!!!"
"You reported me??? What! Hihi"
"*somehow, he hadn't heard anything until now, and comes bouncing down the stairs and running over to the bar to climb up and sit on the edge..."
"I'm kinda 16 but everyone calls me baby! Does that count??"
"Oh!!! So am I! Let's be cute together!!!"
"Aww[no urls] Hmph. Well... *he glances at the nearby phone* He better come back soon."
"He was supposed to teach me to play blackjack. But he hasn't. Also there's some lady who keeps calling the hotel asking for him! She sounds ..."
"Instead you could look at happy things and eat! That always makes me happy!"
"Have you seen Husk?"
"Hey Angel! Angeeeel! Angelangelangel-"
"*cleaning up the front desk now, rearranging things back to how he had it bc I'm sure Husk messed with stuff* Hm~ Hm~ Hmmmm~"
"*he puts the cards back up where he found them* Okay!! I'll be waiting!!!"
"[Debating on using Pleasure in the pirate rp lmao]"
"*he huffs, clearly conflicted, before starting to dissasemble the tower* Fiiiine."
"What are you, the card police? *he pouts, but continues making the tower*"
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