Helenara11's Profile
Joined on Jun 29, 2012
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
12-Year Club
Helenara11's Quizzes
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Helenara11's Recent Posts
"*sigh* I'm on mine. I hope you don't get any of the grouchieness or apetite problems that sometimes come with it. Or mood swings."
"Carrot: I am very good, thank you. Tortura: Nothing right now."
"Hello. How are you this evening?"
"Vira: In America. I am staying with my Uncle."
"Vira: It is? Hmm..."
"Vira: Oh. I am still learning English. French is my native language. Life is being good to me right now. DC: I am very good, thank yo"
"Vira: The treetops are up. DC: Hello! How are you?"
"Vira: The treetops are up. DC: Hello! How are you?"
"Ashii: Alright. I'm very good, Ashii."
"Vira: Yes, I am a girl. You are a girl as well, I pressume?"
"Zane: Okay. Nice to meet you Zane! AZY: Nice to meet you too! Thank you! How are you today?"
"I am very well, thank you."
":) Thank you Vira. How are you?"
"I'm Helenara. Nice to meet you."
"I just joined. :)"
Helenara11's Recent Quiz Comments
"I would say who like, but I have kept my heart under lock and key for so long... I really like the story though!"