hazel's Profile

Joined on Jul 31, 2012
Status Level: Novice
hazel's Quizzes
- how u should win someone over in love!!!! :-)[published: Jul 31, 2012, 7 comments]
are you unsure about how to approach the person you like???? no worries!!! This……
- how crazy r u???[published: Jul 20, 2012, 3 comments]
There are many different types of people in the world. The good, the bad, the kind, the funny, the generous,……
hazel's Recent Posts
"Do you want to start?"
"Do you want to start?"
"Sorry secretlie5"
"Girl: Name: evilyn mystic Apperence: long brown hair and big blue eyes"
"Do you want to be girl or boy??"
"I am lonely..."
"Hi self"
"I am going to talk to myself while waiting for someone to start a soap with me..."
"Oh well"
"Does anyone have any ideas???"
hazel's Recent Quiz Comments
"I wonder what is says when you get 100%...Crazy1 what does it say!!!!!!! TELL ME!!!!!"
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"10%......I feel ugly."
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"This quiz is incorrect...it said i was 0% perfect...not cool! :-( "
1 -
"Hey Vira Dash!!! I think your quiz is totally awesome!! Im always looking for new riddles to tell my friends and this gave me some!! And…"
-1 -
"Im sooooo sorry but i had to report...you should really think about what you put on here because who knows who will see it"
1 -
" Yup totally a baby"
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"Woah that wuz wierd...i just put in random answers and i got 100%!!"
1 -
". Wat the dot........ Dot dot..dot dot dot dot dot dot dit dot dot dot dit dot dot dot dot dot dot................ .zzzzzzzz........."
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"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat??? ?????????"
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"Haha i just clicked random quiz"