Haunted's Profile

Joined on Aug 7, 2014
Status Level: Advanced
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10-Year Club
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"Dan watched her as she browsed for different words on the internet. "Woah you learn fast! It's almost as if you're reviewing i"
""Oh wow. That sounds awful. I really love nature...Can't even think about earth without it. Yeah of course you can. You know how to use it?"..."
""Gladifoil! haha yes they are very gladifoil!" Said Daniel grinning. "Spring is a season on earth. You know about seasons?" Dan"
""Hey I think I have an idea of how to show you our world." Dan went to his room and grabbed his laptop. He sat besides the girl"
""Hey, at least she would be happy if she knew you are safe now. It's nothing like your planet over here.""
""She's...she's dead." Said Dan, looking down. He was very uncomfortable with girls crying."
"Dan saw the girl lean back on the sofa with a feeling of satisfaction. He smiled and asked her: "I'm glad you're feeling bette"
"Dan went and made some sandwiches in the kitchen for the girl. "These ones are my favorites, but they say they're very bad for "
"Damn..This guy's still here"
""Yeah I'm pretty sure you did. You went over to the computer, did something, smashed it in and then the beeps stopped." Dan pau"
""Oh erm..hold on let me get some pain killers." Dan went into the bedroom and looked for some painkillers in the drawer. He the"
""Oh hi you're awake." He watched her in awe as she woke up and some mysterious glow found its way to her body. "How are you fee"
"Dan picked up the girl and made for his grandma's house. What was he gonna do with her now? Was he supposed to take care of her now? One thi..."
"Colipher? Understanding god? What was she talking about? "Who is colipehr? Is it the name of your mother?" He knew it was her m"
""Oh, thank god you understand what I say." Dan couldn't help but smile as the girl mimicked the body language manual and offer"
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