Haruka_Tenoh's Profile

Joined on Feb 16, 2021
Status Level: Newbie
Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Haruka_Tenoh's Recent Posts
"Pfft. XD"
"I don't need liked lol."
"What child?"
"Oh my lord."
"Pfft. Rei never feels pain."
"Her comments make me smile."
"She is really nice."
"I met this wonder full girl named LadyFantasy. She is really nice. We both like sailor moon. It's on Funimate."
"Child. What's wrong?"
"You child! You have no power over me!"
"World Shaking!"
"Full Name: Kiki Senada Hikia Cell Number: (This is what workers and security guards will call you by, 2 digits) 34 Gender: femal"
"Not everyone in the world is straight child."
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